Outer Banks 2002

Beach Guidelines and Information

Green Meredith A <MGreen_at_su_edu>

08/14/2002 10:25 AM AST


Yanek Korff <yanek_at_korff_org>, wehmueller_at_desupernet_net, Amy Verner <asvern77_at_yahoo_com>


Emily Adams Korff <EAdams_at_aiha_com>, seffler_at_att_net, allison_l_nesbit_at_exxonmobil_com, jen_at_jenskeynotemusic_com, david_singley_at_saic-nmsd_com, skdast_at_usa_com, bcdiff_at_yahoo_com, khruntpig_at_yahoo_com, margaretmarbella_at_yahoo_com




Beach Guidelines and Information

Beach Guidelines and Information
Note: All things in red pertain to Scott Effler
I. Who is bringing what?
       A. Cameras- Meredith, Scott, anyone else who wants to is optional.
       B. Beach Toys- Football- Shaq, Boogieboard- Amy, Frisbee-Scott, Badminton-Yanek, Gloves and balls-Brian and John, Rollerblades- Yanek and Emily and Scott, Bikes-Yanke, Emily and Shaq, Coolers-Scott and Yanek.
C. Personal Items everyone may want to bring or consider bringing- Beach Towels, blankets, chairs, umbrellas, water bottles, suntan lotion, flip-flops, bath towels, personal cleaning products.  
D. Indoor Toys- Computer and DVD- Scott, Movies- anyone, Cards and poker chips-JOhn, Cranium and trivial Pursuit-Yanek, Balderdash-Margie and Meredith
II. All things related to Sleeping-
A. 12 sleeping spots and 13 people. 
2 double beds- Amy and Dave, Yanek and Emily
1 double sleep sofa- Jen and Diffle
2 double air mattresses- John and Allison, Meredith and Margie/ Shaq
Bunk beds- Kyle and Scott
B. Linens- sheets only
John- two sets of singles
Meredith- some doubles
Yanek- queens
Scott- doubles
III. Getting There: 
Meet at 7:30 AM Saturday morning at Shaq's house. Contact him for directions or figure out how to get there yourself dammit. WE plan to get there around 2pm, but we'll see. Stop at Cheese shop is planned for 11amish in Williamburg. John will give out directions on Saturday. Bring 2 bucks for toll or smart tag.
A. Thursday driver- 
Meredith only
B. Saturdays drivers and cars:
Shaq car-Margie in front seat, and Dave in back
Yanek car- Emily
Brian Car- Jen and Amy
John car- Allison
C. Sunday driver and car
Scott- Kyle
IV. Payments
8 people staying full week- $60 
2 people staying 6 days- $55
3 people staying 4 days- $20
"Shaq's in charge of wads of cash"
Pay John dammit or we'll be kicked out. 
A. Kitty
Yanek is buying beforehand
Orange Juice
Partypack of condiments and mayo
Beer-Corona, Miller lite
Wine coolers and hard lemonade 
Shaq- kitchen sink
Scott- Hard Liquor
Yanek-Hard liquor
Diffle-Sum sum hard liquor
Plan: Buy in advance and separately put receipts in Kitty and will be splitted at the end of trip by Skids. 
Add more if you want, but this is the end for me. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 Pm after entirely too much discussion:)